The person who sings prays twice. This weekly opportunity enhances the liturgical and religious education for all of students. Students in grades second – eighth – have the opportunity to join our school’s highly respected Performance Choir. This choir is a vocal community of faith dedicated to living the spirit of Jesus Christ through the practice of our Roman Catholic faith tradition. Our mission is to communicate the message of Christ’s redeeming love to those whose lives we touch in the parish and throughout the community.
Our school Masses, as well as our Christmas Concert, Christmas Day Mass, Easter Mass, Graduation, and other special events all celebrate the gift of song.
Thank you for your support in helping your son/daughter develop their vocal talents by taking part in the school choir events. With the use of our time, talent, and treasure, we support our church, school, Christian formation programs, and spiritual growth.
Previous vocal experience is not required; only a desire to sing and serve the St. Ferdinand Community through sharing the gift of song.
Br. James Drangsholt serves as the director of the choir. Click here to read more about Br. James Drangsholt