St Ferdinand School is a Pre K-3 through 8th grade school on the northwest side of Chicago. Our students are 95% Catholic and 5% non-Catholic. We serve families who come from over twenty ZIP codes, making St. Ferdinand a destination school. Forty nine percent of our families qualify for free or reduced lunch.
We believe that a Catholic education promotes the spiritual, moral, social and academic growth of each child. Our motto is “Preparing students for a world not yet envisioned” in a faith-based, technology rich, safe and secure environment. Saint Ferdinand recognizes the need to adapt to an ever-changing world; constantly updating educational strategies, technology and infusing Common Core curriculum to offer tools that will help students maximize their potential.
Our vision of a St. Ferdinand student is someone who exhibits self-esteem, understands and lives Christian values, and sets realistic goals. The students respect themselves and others. In order to realize their potential, our graduates will strive for knowledge and skills through the use and development of critical thinking and decision-making. Students will value learning as an ongoing life experience and will take responsibility for others using their talents to address concerns in the community.
We offer many enrichment activities to serve the whole child. After school clubs, choir, altar serving, and athletic teams are just a few. Before- and after-school programs are also provided to better serve the working community of parents we serve. You will find our extended-day students engaged in tutoring, completing homework, or engaged in other activities. The whole community is invited to participate in events such as pancake breakfast, breakfast with Santa, weekly school Masses, the Christmas program, open houses, and other celebrations and services throughout the year.
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